Our family now has a wonderful new addition. A new baby boy: Ryker Donald Parsons. He was born on February 26th, 2009 at 2:33 in the afternoon. He was 7lbs 7oz and was 20 inches. We got to bring him home on Saturday and he has been doing really good. He sleeps a lot which is a total change from Talan. When he is awake he is bright eyed and happy. He loves to cuddle! He has a lot of hair and right now its a little dark. Talan's hair was dark too and then look what happened, it turned white. He looks just like Talan did at birth, it's almost like I gave birth to the same kid twice that's how similar their baby pictures look. Talan loves his new little brother and he has been such a good helper. He enjoys helping take care of him for now at least!Talan and his new baby brother!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
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